Designed for those that wish to feed insanely power hungry devices without having to swap batteries every other minute. These are rated by Indonesia Chemistry at 3077mAh, with a pulse & burst rate of 36.3A, and a CDR rating of 20.7A within normal operating temperatures.
Built specifically for vapers, with the vape industry at heart. Battery venting and safety was top priority. To elaborate:
1) modified cathode tag consisting of higher purity aluminum
2) updated poly seal with refined bitumen
3) enhanced PTC ring (enhanced PTC ring has a greater multiplier of resistance when triggered for safety).
The Sherlock 20700 will perform like it’s little siblings do, but with greater tolerance to amp loads and voltage support. For consumers that use devices that require heavy amperage, but need a battery that can support those loads without faulting, we introduce our Sherlock Hohm 20700 cell.
All cells are developed and built specifically for intense & power-hungry devices that require consistent amperage delivery to operate as intended. Not only was power & capacity a priority, but safety measures were at the forefront of it all.
**NOTICE: Hohm Tech themselves do not manufacture batteries. These are licensed and made specific to the collaborated efforts of LG, Indonesia Chemistry, and Hohm Tech.
**CAN BE CHARGED AT 3.15A. This is not a misprint. 3.15A as in THREE POINT ONE FIVE amp charging is possible, tested, proven, and approved within all strict safety protocols set by Indonesia Chemistry.
Warranty is DOA only. Domestic customers have 7 days from delivery date to report a DOA battery. International customers have 30 days to report DOA due to extended delivery times for international orders.
Use Caution:
- Do not over-discharge/overcharge
- Recharge empty batteries ( resting voltage ~3.6V ) as soon as possible. Leaving LiIon batteries in discharged state will incur irreversible damage ( capacity / cycle loss )
- Do not short circuit ( will release tremendous current )
- Do not dispose of in fire.
* General Information *
mAh = Miliamp Hours: This generally refers to the amount of energy a fully charged battery can store. A higher mAh rating does not generally offer any short term improvements, although a higher mAh rating does indicate that a fully charged battery will preform over a longer period of time. For example, a 1100 mAh battery will operate a device drawing 100 milliamps for 11 hours and a device drawing 1100 milliamps for 1 hour. The amount of milliamps that your mod will draw depends on the voltage of the battery (and/or any switch contained in the mod) and resistance (ohm). If you are in-doubt, contact the mod manufacturer or have your mod tested at a local electronics shop